Over our 23 years of existence, we have succeeded in our aim to empower individuals with the necessary skills to compete within the job market and generate their own income. With our holistic approach, we educate individuals to take ownership of their own lives and lead healthy and happy lives. By doing this we equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to positively influence their families and communities.

Wamakersvallei Training Centre has succeeded as the platform where students receive educational and skills training. It also provides a safe developmental environment for the community. Students feel that they can find hope at Wamakersvallei, for their future, families and wider communities. We not only make a direct impact on the unemployment problem of South Africa, but we are also providing a holistic experience to the individuals coming to Wamakersvallei.


To be a cutting edge community-engaged training centre for the unemployed.

Om ‘n toonaangewende opleidingsentrum vir werkloses te wees wat die gemeenskap dien.


We empower the unemployed and unskilled with sustainable career paths through best practice training in life skills, entrepreneurship, practical career skills and excellent work ethics.

We provide effective training through:

  • Identification of unskilled, unemployed persons.
  • Determination of available job opportunities.
  • Providing training to fulfill the needs of the community.
  • Promotion of community involvement with regards to the provision of skills and funds.


  • Identifisering van ongeskoolde, werklose persone.
  • Bepaling van beskikbare werksgeleenthede.
  • Die verskaffing van opleiding om in die behoeftes van die gemeenskap te voorsien.
  • Bevordering van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid met betrekking tot die verskaffing van vaardighede en fondse.

Ons bemagtig werkloses en ongeskoolde met volhoubare loopbane deur beste praktykopleiding in lewensvaardighede, entrepreneurskap, praktiese loopbaanvaardighede en uitstekende werksetiek.



“People donate their time, talents and money freely to the center. It is clear that the whole community is proud of what has been achieved here in the recent years and that they therefore want to be part of what is happening here.” – Elsabe Lintvelt



Become an instantly employable member of society through Wamakersvallei!